St. Joseph's
Grammar School, Donaghmore

Educating For the Future Since 1922
School Council

“Our School…Our Voice”
The aim of the School Council in St Joseph’s Grammar School is to encourage all pupils to play an active, conscious, democratic role to improve their school community. St Joseph’s School Council is a forum for enabling students to offer opinions and advice on a broad range of subjects.
Pupils are elected to represent their year group and attend meetings with other year group representatives at various times through the school year. The Student Council acts as the voice of the students, helping to put forward ideas, raise issues of concern and bring about change. Council members are regularly consulted on relevant school policies and have their opportunity to have a say in the matters that ultimately impact them. Recent initiatives that pupils on our council have been the driving force behind include updating our uniform at Sixth Form and the introduction of a wider range of healthy food alternatives in our canteen.
There is no doubt that being a School Council member has a lasting impact on the lives of our pupils, equipping them with a skillset to help them navigate through life. It helps develop their leadership qualities, communication and listening skills and working as part of a team to drive positive change.