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A message from the Principal

Dear Parents/Prospective Parents

At Open Night I informed you of our application to DE for additional Year 8 places in the main school for September 2020. The Department, when they wrote to schools on 11th December 2019, had felt confident that they would be in a position to communicate the outcomes of those applications to all schools by today at the latest (please see extract from the DE letter below)

“It is the intention that schools will be notified of their temporary Year 8 admission number by 31 January 2020.” (Department of Education, 11th December 2020)

Unfortunately the Department has advised us, that given the volume of applications received and the complexity of accommodation needs of some of those schools applying, they are not yet in a position to confirm which schools have been successful at this time. They aim to notify the successful schools within the next 2-3 weeks.

We apologise for the inconvenience this may cause and we will of course publish the outcome of our application just as soon as we are made aware of it.

Please contact the school if you have any queries relating to the transfer process.

Mrs Geraldine Donnelly


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